Comes prepared to hang. This macrame is hand tied with high caliber 6mm thickness cotton rope, and enlivened with wooden....
Comes prepared to hang. This macrame is hand tied with high caliber 6mm thickness cotton rope, and enlivened with wooden dabs.
The woven pennant has 7 decorations "banners" and the separation between every one can be effectively balanced. It quantifies approx. 35.0 creeps from the first to the last banner.
Fastidiously carefully assembled, inventive plan, nightfall of hitching by our nearby craftsmans, utilizing normal materials giving a moderate vibe and add some boho appeal to your space. Looks a particularly enchanting articulation over your bed, your bureau, your lounge chair, on the mantle, almost a window or imaginatively put over the edges on a display divider.
This macrame woven inside decoration festoon motivated by aztec ancestral workmanship objects and boho chic stylistic theme. Ideal for wedding favors, pre-wedding party favors or bohemian themed parties, boho divider design, kids room, birthday present, and so forth.
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